Sunday ServicesMARCH 23, 2014 8 AM HOLY EUCHARIST Reader: Jerry Keelen 10:15 AM HOLY EUCHARIST Reader: John McKeever Acolyte: Laurie Spencer Altar Guild: Colleen and Jim Kicks Greeters: Kevin Kelly & Sandy Sandbach The sanctuary candle will burn brightly thisweek in memory of Nancy Hall. May she restin peace! COFFEE HOUR IS SPONSORED BY: Laurie Spencer, Belinda Welton and TrishaMorgan PLEASE SIGN UP FOR COFFEE HOUR GOING FORWARD!!! HOLY WEEK SERVICES: Maundy (Holy) Thursday: 7 P.M. Holy Eucharist, followed by the Vigil from 9 P.M. through6 A.M. on Good Friday.... Please volunteer to "Watch withJesus" for one hour or more after the Holy Eucharist. Contact eitherJohn McKeever or Lou Cooke from the Brotherhood of St. Andrew to sign-up... "Could you not Watch With me for One Hour?" Good Friday: 12 Noon Service; Confessions will beheard at 6 PM, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7 P.M. EASTER DAY! Holy Eucharist celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord,Jesus Christ, at 9 A.M. followed by a Parish "champagne breakfast"and the annual Easter Egg Hunt for the "kids" of the Parish... IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, PLEASE GET THEM TO THE PARISH OFFICE BY WEDNESDAY 8 AM SO THEY MIGHT BE INCLUDED IN THE WEEKLY BULLETIN OR EMAIL BLAST! | More InformationPRAYER CHAIN: Please continue your prayers for Dorothy Morgan (whom we have heard from and who reports that she is feeling better and better each day) and for Nicole Woods who is undergoing surgery,as well... Barbara Rivolta continues to improve at home... BIRTHDAY WISHES: March 26: Judy Acer OUTREACH:Please continue to support St. Brigid's Food Pantry by bringing in cerealsduring the Lenten season. This is a critical need for St. Brigid's. Please also bring "personal items" the first Sunday of eachmonth...OUR GOAL IS TO BEAT OUR 130 BOXES OF CEREAL FROM LAST YEAR… IF YOU WOULD PREFER, YOU MAY DONATE $2.00 (OR MORE) TO COVER THE COST OF A BOX… We are over 110 boxes now! SPECIAL NOTES: If you are interested in serving on the Parish Liturgy Committee,please contact Rich Hunter or Dave Harrison ASAP... COME SUNDAY AT COFFEE HOUR TO HELP IDENTIFY SOME OF OUR PHOTOS found in the office... WE NEED YOUR INPUT TO IDENTIFY WHO ARE THESE PHOTOS....We want to retain these Parish memories... WE WILL PROVIDE THE MARKERS!!! This should be fun and filled with lots of memories! WE NEED STAMPS AGAIN.... THE Pastor's "EASTER MESSAGE" WILL BE SENT SOON, SO YOUR ASSISTANCE IN PROVIDING HELP WITH POSTAGE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! SPRING FUNDRAISER: April 26 will be "A NIGHT ON BROADWAY!" organized by the Women's Group. The evening will be something special and will feature a professional "musical trip to Broadway" by one of the Jersey Shore's leading musical groups! Please mark your calendars! Details to follow shortly. Look for a “special email” blast…. Seating will be limited so make your plans now to be with us… This will be one of the major “fun(d)raisers” for St. James for the year… A donor has pledged to cover the cost of the musical part of the program… So, this is a great way to fill our expected budget gap! PARISH DIRECTORIES WERE DISTRIBUTED LAST SUNDAY. COPIES WILL BE PLACED IN THE PEWS AND IN THE NARTHEX.... THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED. YOU WILL SEE THAT ST. JAMES IS A THRIVING AND GROWING PARISH..... MAY WE CONTINUE TO DO SO UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF FR. RIVOLTA AND THE VESTRY FOR MANY YEARS TO COME!!!! |
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March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |