Sunday Services HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00 am Reader: Colleen Hicks HOLY EUCHARIST 10:15 am Reader: Dave Harrison Acolyte: Dave Harrison Greeters: Sandy Sandbach & Kevin Kelly Altar Guild: Marge Sandbach & Robin McKeever Coffee Hour Sponsor: Marge Sandbach HAPPY BIRTHDAY June 1: Mary Meagher June 4: Kate Keelen June 5: Lori Acerra June 6: Mark Morgan June 7: Barbara Olsavsky | Weekly Notes: ONGOING EVENTS: Bible Study: Tuesdays, 7 pm, except the 1st Tuesday of the month. Centering Prayer: Thursdays, 7:30 pm. Women’s Group Meeting: First Tuesday of each month. This month’s Women’s meeting is June 2, at 7:30, where we will discuss ideas for gift baskets to be auctioned off at St. James Fair in September. REMINDER: Your help is needed with a repast at the church, this Saturday at 5:00 pm in the basement. We would need help with the setting up and cleaning up of the repast, hope to see you there. POT LUCK LUNCH: On Sunday, June 7th, we will be having a pot luck lunch after the 10:15 service, in honor of Karen Reeman’s installation as our new deacon. Hope to see you there! THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Intercessory Prayer Meetings: We will have intercessory prayer open to all on Sat. 30th of May @10am in the Chapel. Our next session will be on Sat. June 27th @10am. We will then recess till Sept. All are invited to attend! Christian Book discussion June & July: We will be having a Christian Book discussion Mondays, June 15th & June 29th, and July 6th and 20th @7:00 pm in the Chapel. Do you struggle to pray? Don't know how or what to pray for? Do you feel stuck? Are you just repeating Jesus' prayer? The book "Before Amen" by Max Lucado explores this syndrome - the book talks about enhancing your prayer life, and developing a heart connection to God through the simplicity of prayer. Using this book as our guide, we will discuss and explore different ways to pray..."Prayer doesn't change God, prayer changes us". All are welcome to attend! Please contact Michelle O’Quend for more details. PAINTINGS OF ST. JAMES: Our own Jerry Keelen has created beautiful paintings of the St. James building, and they are available for purchase at the suggested price of $35. Please consider purchasing one for your home! ST JAMES FAIR – SEPTEMBER 18 & 19 It's Spring Cleaning time! Keep the St. James Fair in mind when you are doing your Spring cleaning. If you need help moving an item, please get in touch ASAP so that we may try to arrange help in getting it here. Thought: If you haven't used it since the last fair, but it is too good to discard, donate it! Tax receipts are available for all donations. If you are interested in helping some way with the fair, please get in touch. Watch this space for news and ideas for help. |
March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |