Services:HOLY EUCHARIST – 8:00 am Reader: Colleen Hicks HOLY EUCHARIST –10:15 am Reader: Laurie Spencer Acolyte: Barbara Harrison Greeters: Sandy Sandbach and Kevin Kelly Altar Guild: Robin & John McKeever Coffee Hour Sponsor: Sylvia Trent & Marge Sandbach | Special Notes:HAPPY BIRTHDAY: September 25: Dave Harrison September 25: Deane Brown, Susan McGrath (daughters of Evelyn Warren) September 26: John Welton September 28: Dorothy Morgan HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: September 28: Brian & Mary Meagher CLOTHING DRIVE: We’re in the last few days! The clothing drive ends this Sunday, Sept 28! Get your donations in now (if you haven’t already done so). BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: Our annual Blessing of the Animals service will be next week, on Sunday, Oct. 5. The service will be held before the 10:15 am Eucharist, out in front of the church on Broad St. All furry, feathered and four-legged friends are welcome, including dogs, cats, birds, snakes, chinchillas, hamsters, ferrets and iguanas, or whatever creatures are currently taking up residence in your home that you want to have blessed. CENTERING PRAYER GROUP Beginning Thursday evening, Sept 18, 7:30 pm, we will be starting a centering prayer group at St James. Centering prayer is the prayer of silence. Usually in prayer we "speak" to God. In centering prayer we listen to God. Time together will include a brief explanation of the practice, a 20 minute prayer session followed by a time for questions or comments. All are invited. Contact person: Paul Meglathery, 732-455-3203. ST. BRIGID’S FOOD PANTRY Back-to-School time is a peak time for St.Brigid’s pantry. Donations of the following items are always being accepted: cereals (hot, cold, pancake mix, etc.), canned fruits and vegetables, jelly, toiletries, toilet tissue, paper towels, diapers, baby formula, condiments, and pet food. Please remember to bring in personal hygiene items for St. Brigid’s clients as well (shampoo, soap, etc.). These will be collected here on the first Sunday of each month (there’s a basket marked “St. Brigid’s” in the back of the sanctuary). St. Brigid’s is sorely in need of volunteers to help with food prep, cooking, cleaning and the set up of the food bags that their clients take home. Volunteer hours are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 11-4. Please see Jim Hicks or Dave Harrison for more information. FUNDRAISING As you might already know, Kevin Kelly has been asked to head up our fundraising efforts. Our major fundraiser, The St. James Fair, is only a year away. Ideas for other events to raise funds, promote fellowship and attract new friends are being solicited. Besides raising desperately needed funds, we also want to be mindful that events don't compete with each other, or Stewardship, and don't over extend our volunteers and supporters. You will see that this message comes to you from the email address: [email protected] This is the address we will use for all things fundraising so that nothing gets lost in personal emails. When suggesting ideas, the more details that you provide, will help advance the better ideas. What is the event? Who will run/staff it? Who is the target audience? What expenses are to be expected? How much do you expect to raise? What is needed in terms of Vestry support, Church property, and the like. Fund raising, besides what the term implies, is a great chance for fellowship and to introduce new people to the "Little Stone Church with the Warm Heart" VESTRY MEETING Reminder: The next meeting of the Vestry Committee will be this Sunday, Sept 28. GENERAL REMINDER: If you are interested in sponsoring altar flowers or the memorial candle, please contact the church office at [email protected], or see me at the Sunday service. |
March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |