…. BUT IT NEEDS TO BE SAID…. THAT ST. JAMES PARISH SHOULD GIVE ITSELF A BIG “PAT ON THE BACK” FOR THE SPECTACULAR WELCOME WE GAVE TO OUR NEW BISHOP AND HIS WIFE LAST WEEK. THE WOMEN OF ST. JAMES, MEMBERS OF THE ALTAR GUILD, MEMBERS OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW, AND COUNTLESS OTHER PARISHIONERS MADE THE DAY BOTH A SPIRITUAL AND A FELLOWSHIP SUCCESS. The Bishop expressed in an email to Father Agostino how pleased he was with his visit last Sunday to St. James. We have already invited the Bishop to attend our big "Anniversary Celebration" in 2015 and he has put it on his calendar. BIRTHDAY WISHES February 25: Hunter Tedder VESTRY MEETING: The Vestry will meet February 23, after the 10:15 Holy Eucharist. All are most welcome to attend the organizational meeting of the Vestry. OUTREACH: Dave Harrison informs us that St. Brigid's is in need of cereals or cash contributions. Your generosity would be especially appreciated. We are also collecting personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, etc. Sylvia Trent has graciously accepted being our “point person” for this project. Please bring items THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH. … And… think about “collecting”items when are visiting a hotel!!! If its good enough for Martha Stewart, its good enough for St. James... SPRING FUNDRAISER: The Women’s Group will be sponsoring a great night of entertainment, “A Night on Broadway,” in late April. This event will be a major fund-raiser for St. James for 2014. The Parish needs your participation and support. | Sunday Services February 23: SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY “You shall love your neighbor as yourself…” 8 AM Service Reader: Jerry Keelen 10:15 AM Service Reader: John McKeever Acolyte: Laurie Spencer Altar Guild: Sally Schwartz and Laurie Spencer Greeters: Kevin Kelly & Sandy Sandbach Musical Director: Gretchen Palamara MUSIC: Processional: #525: The Church is One Foundation Gospel: #632: O Christ the Word Incarnate Offertory: #380: PraiseGod From Whom All Blessings Flow Recessional: #579: Almighty Father Strong to Save COFFEE HOUR TODAY IS SPONSORED BY MARILYN COTE and DOROTHY MORGAN PLEASE SIGN UP FOR COFFEE HOUR GOING FORWARD!!! The sanctuary candle will burn brightly this week in memory of Jay Spencer, brother of Laurie Spencer, whose anniversary we celebrate on February 24. The Holy Eucharist is being offered in memory of Richard Hunter, Sr., whose anniversary is February 28. |
What's new at St. James - Bishop Chip Stokes will be attending our Feb 17th 10:15 Service!2/14/2014
March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |