Sunday & Christmas Eve Services CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES, 6:00 pm & 10:30 pm HOLY EUCHARIST 8:00 am Reader: Jerry Keelen HOLY EUCHARIST 10:15 am Reader: Sandy Sandbach Acolyte/LEM: Carolyn Grimmer & Randy Bates Greeters: Sandy Sandbach & Kevin Kelly Altar Guild: Robin McKeever & Randy Bates Coffee Hour: Women of St James HOLY EUCHARIST 12:30 pm Missa em Português Reader: Sandra Sirotta | Weekly Notes:Happy Anniversary December 20 – Agostino & Barbara Rivolta Happy Birthday December 19 – Evelyn Warren Pledge Update from our Treasurer As of 12/11/16, we have received 25 pledges for a total of $57,360. Thanks to this week’s pledgers: Nancy and Robert Fiore for their support. This year’s goal is 27 pledges. Pledge cards are in the pews, or you may email me at [email protected]. Our Thanksgiving offering this year was $2235, which was very generous. Thank all of you for your generous support. Going into December, our operating deficit is approximately $500. We only have three Sundays this month and Christmas Eve (Christmas Day is a Sunday, with no planned services). Please make sure your pledge is paid by December 24th for it to count for tax year 2016. Vestry Meeting - December 18, 9:15 am Centering Prayer - December 22, 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Services - December 24, 6:00 pm &10:30 pm (No services Christmas Day) St. Brigid’s Pantry Please continue to donate to St. Brigid’s food pantry. In addition to canned goods and cereal, donations of paper products, toiletries and personal hygiene products are always greatly appreciated. Forward Day by Day The meditation guides for November, December, and January are available in the narthex. |
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March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |