Sunday Services:HOLY EUCHARIST – 8:00 am Reader: Jim Hicks HOLY EUCHARIST – 10:15 am Reader: Kevin Kelly Acolyte: RobinMcKeever Greeters: SandySandbach and Kevin Kelly Altar Guild: Robin & John McKeever Coffee Hour Sponsor: Nancy & Robert Fiore Music for Today: Processional: #511: Holy Spirit, Ever Living, Gospel: #178: Alleluia, Alleluia, Offertory: #380: Praise God, Recessional: #620: Jerusalem, My Happy Home AltarFlowers this week aregiven by Laura Stockman, in loving memory of her fiancé, Edward Andersen. The EternalCandle is lit in loving memory of Lucille Blair. | Special Notes:HAPPY BIRTHDAY: November 4: Carol Michener November 5: Danielle Cardoso ADVENT PROGRAM FOR KIDS Helpspread the word! Our Annual St. James Children's Advent Program will take place on 3 Friday evenings, December 5th, 12th & 19th from 6 to 8 pm. Ages 3 & up are welcome, including parents. Learn the reason for the season! We will be doing activities, arts & crafts and music, and a light supper & dessert will be served. Come one, come all, it’s free! We areasking for volunteers to help with meals & activities. Please contact Paul Meglathery or MichelleO'Quend for more information. CLOISTERS MUSEUM & GARDENS TRIP Pleasejoin us for a day out on Saturday, Dec. 13 for a trip to the Cloisters Museumand Gardens in Ft. Tryon Park, Manhattan. The Waverly Consort will be performingThe Christmas Story, at both 1:00 and 3:00. Please see the flyer in the Narthex for more information. |
Bible Study meets each Tuesday eveningat 7 pm, except for the first Tuesday of the month.
The Centering Prayer group meets eachThursday evening at 7:30 pm.
Donations ofthe following items are always being accepted: cereals(hot, cold, pancake mix, etc.), cannedfruits and vegetables, jelly, toiletries, toilet tissue, papertowels, diapers, and baby formula.Please remember to bring in personalhygiene items for St. Brigid’sclients as well (shampoo, soap, etc.). St. Brigid’s is sorely in need of volunteers to help with various tasks,including the unloading of items from the Food Bank on the 2ndFriday of each month. Please see JimHicks or Dave Harrison for more information.
Our major fundraiser,The St. James Fair, is only a year away. Ideas for other events to raisefunds, promote fellowship, and attract new friends are being solicited.
Our annual Stewardship Campaign runs from October 12 until November 9th, where fundraisingis our only focus.
In regard to the St.James Fair, it is a good time to start considering things that will result inthe best outcome for our church. As all donations are tax deductible, you,your family and friends, might want to think of higher value goods thatmay be better for the donor as a tax write off, and better for St. James as asource of income. Trading a car? Grandmother's things that are nice but youn ever use?
Talent and storage areother essentials required to make the Fair a success. Please let us know. Fund raising, besides what the term implies,is a great chance for fellowship, and to introduce new people to the "LittleStone Church with the Warm Heart." Please direct all ideas and questions to [email protected].