Sunday Services CELEBRANT - Rev. Austin Murray HOLY EUCHARIST - Rite 1 8:00 am Reader: Jerry Keelen HOLY EUCHARIST - Rite 2 10:15 am Reader: Dave Harrison Acolyte/LEM: Robin McKeever Greeter: Sandy Sandbach Altar Guild: Marilyn Cote & Laurie Spencer Coffee Hour: Women of St. James | Weekly Notes: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY May 23 – Dennis Bateman & Laureen Lightfoot HAPPY BIRTHDAY May 21 – Tom Acerra, Ace Colin Edwards CENTERING PRAYER - May 24, 7:00 pm – Confirmation or Reception Anyone interested in being confirmed into the Episcopal faith or received as an Episcopal please contact either Dave Harrison or Robin McKeever. There will be a confirmation/reception service with the Bishop on September 9. Bible Study Anyone interested in participating in a bible study or between service adult education program, please contact Paul Meglathery. Weekly Bible study will cover the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday. Starting in the Fall, we’ll continue with Mark, and then switch to Luke in Advent. Each session will include: brief discussion on how we can apply what we’ve learned to our lives. Probable time: 7:30-9:00 pm Tuesday evenings. St. Brigids Pantry Please continue to donate to St. Brigid’s food pantry. In addition to money, canned goods, cereal, paper products and personal hygiene products are always greatly appreciated. Forward Day by Day The meditation guides for May, June, and July are available in the narthex. |
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March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |