Jim and Colleen Hicks in memory of James McGauran
Carol Kienbaum and Jerry Keelen in thanksgiving of their new grandson, Eben Graves
Richard Hunter and Kevin Kelly in memory of the Hunter and Kelly families
Colleen Hicks in memory of Gladys McGauran
Nancy and Rob Fiore in memory of loved ones
Sylvia Trent In celebration of the birth of Christ
Laurie Spencer in memory of Norris Spencer and Jay Spencer
Patti Hughes-Lomasson in memory of Florence, Matthew and Tom Hughes
the Welton family for John (Poppy) Welton and Roxy
Randy Bates for loved ones
Happy Birthday
December 25 – Anita Morris
December 30 – Jeff Hughes
Bible Study - December 27, 7:00 pm
(from Introduction to the New Testament by Raymond E Brown)
Centering Prayer - December 29, 7:30 pm