Sunday Services Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Austin Murray HOLY EUCHARIST - Rite 1 8:00 am Reader: Laureen Lightfoot HOLY EUCHARIST - Rite 2 10:15 am Reader: Paul Meglathery Acolyte/LEM: Robin McKeever Greeter: Sandy Sandbach Altar Guild: Robin McKeever Coffee Hour: Women of St. James | Weekly Notes: Back to two services - 8:00 and 10:15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY September 16 - Marcia Bucchieri September 22 – Cheryl Farrington FLOWERS In memory of Jim & Jean Rice by Cathy & Jeff Hughes BIBLE STUDY - September 18, 7:00 pm CENTERING PRAYER - September 20, 7:00 pm St. Brigids Pantry Please continue to donate to St. Brigid’s food pantry. In addition to money, canned goods, cereal, paper products and personal hygiene products are always greatly. Forward Day by Day The meditation guides for August, September, and October are available in the narthex. |
March 2020
CategoriesAuthorOur Parish Administrator is a fountain of information about all things St. James - and is also one of the kindest, friendliest, most helpful people you could wish to meet. |